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Business Success Package

When you do something, you want to do it right. You realize that there is a lot of hard work to build a real business and you are the one that's going to make it happen. With this Self-Guided Online Program and access to MAUS Masterplan Software you can start laying the foundation for future success. Start your journey to becoming a Value Creation Owner.

For $97 per Month, The Business Success Package includes:

Assessments to help you understand your current situation.

  • Client Needs Analysis
  • High Performance Business Quiz
  • Systems & Strategies Checklist
  • Work/Life Balance Assessment

Software Support with the MAUS MasterPlan software to help guide your efforts.

  • Write a Simple or Detailed Business Plan
  • Generate Projected Financials
  • Create  Project Plans 

Education to increase your knowledge

  • MAUS Performance Library
  • Business Success Guide & Workbook

7 Step Business Success Program to start you on your journey to becoming a Value Creation Owner

Step 1: High Level Goals & Strategy

Step 2: Business Success Factors

Step 3: Strategies, Actions, & Milestones

Step 4: Monthly Business Review

Step 5: Systems & Workflow

Step 6: Employee Engagement

Step 7: Culture Change & Sustainability

I Want to be a Value Creation Owner

I want to build a better future, for my business and myself. 

I am willing to put forth the effort it takes to transform myself into a Value Creation Owner. I realize that every journey starts with the first step. I am ready to start the journey


If at any point in the first 30 days you decide that it isn’t a good fit for you, then I will refund your purchase in full. I’ll even eat the payment processing fees. In order to qualify for the refund, I ask that you finish at least the first three  ValueMax Training Modules. So, even if you decide that this program is too much for you, you will have a good idea of your current reality. If I can get you to at least understand what you don't know, you are equipped to revisit the issue when it is more convenient.  And, you will have received significant value from this knowledge.
